Exploring Maui: Wailua Falls in Hana and Other Must-stop Visits

wailua falls in maui

We live in a real fast-paced world, that means finding moments of tranquility and genuine connection with nature is more important (and harder) than ever. But Hawaii can be an answer to that question. The Road to Hana offers exactly what you’re looking for and what your mind and body have been craving- an escape into Maui’s lush landscapes and a chance to discover hidden gems that make the journey unforgettable. Among these treasures are Aunty Sandy’s Banana Bread and the stunning Wailua Falls in Hana, two stops that highlight the best of Hana. Let’s explore why these spots are must-visits on your adventure, before you start exploring on your own.

Tips for the Journey: Finding Wailua Falls in Hana and More


Navigating the Road to Hana requires patience and a spirit of adventure. Take your time, make frequent stops, and don’t rush. This allows you to fully appreciate the natural beauty and discover the unique stops along the way.

Aunty Sandy’s Banana Bread on Your Way to or From Wailua Falls

banana bread to find near wailua falls

The Legend of Aunty Sandy’s


One of the highlights of the Road to Hana is Aunty Sandy’s Banana Bread stand in the charming village of Ke‘anae. Since 1983, Aunty Sandy’s has been a beloved spot for both locals and travelers. The secret to their success? Fresh, locally grown bananas and a recipe perfected over decades (You’ll have to try it to believe it)!


Why It’s Special


There isn’t just one thing that sets Aunty Sandy’s Banana Bread apart; it’s just the perfect blend of sweetness and moisture. Each loaf is baked daily, ensuring it’s fresh and delicious. Enjoying a slice of this banana bread with the ocean as your backdrop is a quintessential Maui experience.

Wailua Falls: Nature’s Masterpiece


The Majestic Wailua Falls in Hana


Along the Road to Hana, you’ll encounter Wailua Falls, easily one of the island’s most picturesque waterfalls. This stunning 80-foot waterfall plunges into a clear pool below, creating a breathtaking sight that’s easily accessible from the road.


Enjoying the Falls


Pause to appreciate the beauty of Wailua Falls. The mist from the falls cools the air, creating a refreshing atmosphere. If you’re feeling adventurous, a short hike down to the base of the falls offers an even closer view and a chance to dip in the cool waters.


Capturing the Beauty


Wailua Falls is a photographer’s dream. Visit early in the morning for the best light and fewer crowds. A wide-angle lens can help you capture the full majesty of the falls and the surrounding lush greenery.


Making the Most of Your Trip to Wailua Falls and Along the Road to Hana


Respect the Land


Hana’s natural beauty is precious and fragile. Always follow local guidelines, stay on designated paths, and carry out any trash. Respecting the local environment and culture helps preserve this paradise for future visitors.

wailua fallsExplore the Waterfalls Along the Road to Hana

Now you know (although you really DON’T know until you experience it yourself); the Road to Hana is more than just a drive; it’s a journey filled with natural wonders and cultural treasures. Enjoy the majestic beauty of Wailua Falls in Hana and the delectable banana bread from Aunty Sandy’s to give all your senses the delight they’ve been craving. You’re sure to enjoy every moment of this incredible and unique adventure.