Sandy’s Maui Banana Bread Recipe

If you ever find yourself driving along the Road to Hana in Maui, a culinary gem awaits you in the heart of Keanae Peninsula – Aunty Sandy’s Banana Bread. This iconic stand has been serving up slices of heaven since 1983, and its reputation has only grown over the years, thanks to its delectable Maui banana bread recipe and the charming family story behind it.


The Story Behind Aunty Sandy’s Maui Banana Bread Recipe

Aunty Sandy’s is a beloved family-owned and operated food stand. The warmth of our family and the rich, buttery taste of our banana bread quickly turned this spot into a must-visit destination for both locals and tourists​​.


What Makes Aunty Sandy’s Banana Bread Special?


There’s something incredibly special about Aunty Sandy’s Banana Bread. Maybe it’s the family recipe that has been passed down through generations, or the fact that it’s baked fresh daily, using the finest local ingredients. The bread itself is moist, rich, and full of flavor, embodying the very essence of the island’s aloha spirit​.


Visiting Aunty Sandy’s Banana Bread


If you are planning a trip to Maui, visiting Aunty Sandy’s should be at the top of your list. Located on Keanae Peninsula, just off the Hana Highway, it’s the perfect pit stop to enjoy a slice of warm banana bread fresh out of the oven. The stand is open Monday through Saturday from 8:30 AM until we sell out, which often happens quickly due to our popularity​.


More Than Just Banana Bread


Aunty Sandy’s isn’t just about the phenomenal Maui banana bread recipe. Our kitchen also offers other delightful treats, including Aunty Pearl’s Coconut Candy, Coconut Chews, and Lilikoi Butter. These additional goodies provide a taste of Maui that you can bring back home with you​.


The Aloha Spirit


What sets Aunty Sandy’s apart isn’t just the delicious banana bread, but the warm, welcoming aloha spirit that pervades every aspect of the experience. Whether you’re chatting about the history of the stand, or enjoying a piece of bread under the nearby pavilion, you’ll feel like part of the family. 


A Testament to Quality


Aunty Sandy’s Banana Bread has been featured in numerous magazines and publications, and even caught the attention of Gordon Ramsay, who featured the stand on his show “Uncharted” on the National Geographic Channel. Such high praise from a culinary giant is a testament to the exceptional quality and taste of the banana bread​.


Visit Aunty Sandy’s Today

Whether you’re able to visit in person or are baking from home, Aunty Sandy’s Banana Bread offers a slice of Maui’s charm and hospitality. It’s more than just a treat, it’s more than just a Maui banana bread recipe – it’s a tradition, a piece of family history, and a testament to the enduring spirit of aloha. So next time you’re in Maui, or just craving a taste of the islands, remember that a little bit of paradise is just a recipe away! 

What’re you waiting for? Make sure to stop by Aunty Sandy’s Banana Bread today!

How to Store Banana Bread: Keeping That Loaf Fresh

So, you’ve got the perfect loaf of banana bread from Aunty Sandy’s– the house smells amazing, your mouth is watering, and you’ve already had a slice (or three). Now, the big question looms: how to store banana bread to keep it fresh and tasty? Trust us, this is more than just tossing it into a plastic bag and calling it a day. We’re diving into the art of banana bread storage—because your hard work deserves to last longer than a day.


How to Store Banana Bread: The Ins and Outs

Room Temperature: For the Short-Term Enjoyment of Your Hawaiian Banana Bread


Alright, so you’re planning to finish the loaf in the next couple of days—great choice. Storing your banana bread at room temperature is the way to go for short-term freshness.


Wrapping It Up


Here’s the deal: air is the enemy. You want to wrap your loaf tightly to keep it moist. Use plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Personally, we like to double-wrap it—first in plastic wrap, then in foil. This double layer keeps it from drying out and protects it from any unwanted kitchen odors.


Where to Store


Keep your wrapped banana bread on the countertop or in a bread box. Avoid places that get too warm, like near the stove or direct sunlight. The ideal spot is a cool, dry area. At room temperature, your banana bread should stay fresh for about 2 to 3 days.


Refrigeration: Extending the Shelf Life of Aunty Sandy’s Banana Bread


Sometimes, life gets busy, and you need your banana bread to last a bit longer. The refrigerator is a decent option, though it can alter the texture slightly, making the bread a bit denser.


Proper Refrigeration Techniques


Just like with room temperature storage, wrapping is key. Use plastic wrap, foil, or an airtight container. I often wrap the loaf in plastic wrap and then place it inside a resealable plastic bag to ensure maximum freshness.


How Long Does Refrigerated Banana Bread Last?


In the refrigerator, your banana bread can last up to a week. Just be sure to bring it to room temperature before you dig in, as cold banana bread can feel a bit heavy. A quick zap in the microwave or a few minutes in a warm oven can also help revive its soft texture.


Freezing: The Long-Term Solution for Keeping Banana Bread Fresh


Now, if you’ve baked multiple loaves or just want to savor your banana bread weeks from now, freezing is your best bet. Freezing locks in the moisture and flavor, ensuring your bread tastes almost as good as fresh when you thaw it.


How to Freeze Banana Bread


First, let’s talk preparation when considering how to store banana bread. Slice the loaf before freezing. This way, you can thaw just what you need without having to defrost the whole thing.

  1. Wrap Each Slice: Wrap each slice individually in plastic wrap. This prevents freezer burn and keeps the slices from sticking together.
  2. Bag It Up: Place the wrapped slices into a large resealable freezer bag. Squeeze out as much air as possible before sealing it.
  3. Label and Date: Always label your bag with the date you froze the bread. Banana bread can stay good in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Enjoy Aunty Sandy’s Banana Bread!

There you have it! When learning how to store banana bread, it might seem straightforward, but a little extra care can go a long way in maintaining its deliciousness. Whether you’re keeping it on the counter for a few days, refrigerating it for a week, or freezing it for months, these tips will ensure every slice is as delightful as the first. 


Make sure to visit Aunty Sandy’s Banana Bread for the most delicious banana bread no matter when you choose to enjoy!

How to Make Banana Bread: A Journey Through Aunty Sandy’s Kitchen

So, you wanna make banana bread, huh? Well, you’ve come to the experts because we’re about to dive into the delicious, sometimes messy, and always rewarding world of baking. I promise, by the end of this, your mouth will be watering and you’ll be craving some of the best banana bread in the world…Aunty Sandy’s! Let’s chat about the basics of how to make banana bread, the bananas, the ovens, and everything in between.

Tips on How to Make Banana Bread Like Aunty Sandy’s


The Bananas: Ripe and Ready


Now, let’s talk bananas. The perfect bananas for banana bread are those spotty, overripe ones that look like they’ve seen better days. The riper the banana, the sweeter and more flavorful your bread will be. If your bananas aren’t quite there yet, here’s a pro tip: pop them in a 300°F oven for about 15-20 minutes. This will speed up the ripening process.


Mixing It Up: Combining Ingredients


Mixing is where things get fun when learning how to make banana bread. Start with your wet ingredients in one bowl and dry in another. Once everything is combined, fold in your bananas. Remember, don’t overmix! Overmixing can make your bread tough. You want to mix until just combined.


Baking: The Waiting Game


Pour your batter into the loaf pan and pop it into the oven. Now comes the hardest part: waiting. Depending on your oven and the size of your loaf pan, baking times can vary. Generally, you’re looking at about 60-70 minutes at 350°F. The best way to check? Insert a toothpick into the center. If it comes out clean or with a few crumbs, you’re good to go.


Variations: Make it Your Own 


Banana bread is like a blank canvas. You can add so many things to make it uniquely yours. Love nuts? Toss in some walnuts or pecans. Got a sweet tooth? Chocolate chips are a great addition. Feeling tropical? Add some shredded coconut or pineapple. The possibilities are endless.


Cooling and Storing: Almost There


Once your banana bread is out of the oven, let it cool in the pan for about 10 minutes before transferring it to a wire rack. This helps prevent it from becoming soggy. And if you can resist, let it cool completely before slicing.


Storing: Keep it Fresh


Banana bread can be stored at room temperature for a few days, but if you want it to last longer, wrap it in plastic wrap and stick it in the fridge. It also freezes well, so you can enjoy a slice of paradise anytime.


Enjoy Your Hawaiian Banana Bread

Learning how to make banana bread is more than just following a recipe – it’s about enjoying the process, experimenting with flavors, and most importantly, savoring every bite–these are the expert steps that make Aunty Sandy’s Banana Bread so magical. So, gather your ingredients, preheat your oven, and get baking. Trust us, your taste buds will thank you. Banana bread is a universal comfort that brings a little bit of sweetness to any day. 


Ready to enjoy some of the best banana bread, not only in Hawaii, but in the whole world? Make sure to visit Aunty Sandy’s today.

How to Freeze Banana Bread: Keeping Your Loaf Fresh for Months

Alright, so you have a delicious loaf of banana bread, your home smells heavenly, and you’ve had a slice or two. But what now? Maybe you want to save some for later, or perhaps you’ve got more than you can eat in a week. Freezing banana bread is a great way to ensure that every slice stays fresh and tasty for months to come. But you may be wondering exactly how to freeze banana bread– join us at Aunty Sandy’s (your banana bread experts) and let’s find out!


Why and How to Freeze Banana Bread


You might be wondering, why even bother freezing banana bread? Well, life gets busy, and sometimes you just can’t get through a whole loaf before it starts to go stale. Freezing is a lifesaver for preserving that perfect moistness and flavor. Plus, having frozen banana bread on hand is incredibly convenient for a quick breakfast or snack.


Storing Aunty Sandy’s Banana Bread: Slicing or Whole?


When deciding how to freeze banana bread, you need to decide if you want to freeze the entire loaf or slice it first. There are pros and cons to both methods:


Freezing the Whole Loaf

  • Pros: Keeps the bread more moist since it’s not exposed to air.
  • Cons: Takes longer to thaw, and you’ll have to thaw the entire loaf even if you just want a slice or two.

Freezing Slices

  • Pros: Super convenient for grabbing a slice at a time. Thaws quickly.
  • Cons: Slightly more exposed to air, so you need to wrap it well.

Thawing Your Banana Bread: Bringing it Bread Back to Life


When you’re ready to enjoy Aunty Sandy’s Banana Bread, proper thawing is just as important as proper freezing. Here’s how to do it:


Whole Loaf

  • Countertop Thawing: Remove the loaf from the freezer and let it thaw at room temperature. This usually takes a few hours. Once thawed, you can warm it in the oven at 300°F for about 10-15 minutes if you want that freshly-baked feel.


  • Quick Thaw: If you’re in a hurry, you can microwave a slice for about 30 seconds. Place a damp paper towel over it to keep it from drying out.
  • Overnight Thaw: Place a slice in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, it’ll be ready to eat, and you can toast it if you like.

Enjoy Aunty Sandy’s Banana Bread any Time!


Now that you know how to freeze banana bread, remember that freezing banana bread is a fantastic way to extend its shelf life and ensure you always have a tasty treat on hand. Whether you freeze the whole loaf or individual slices, the key is knowing what to do and these instructions are sure to help! Remember to let your bread cool completely before freezing, and thaw it properly when you’re ready to enjoy. So next time you have a loaf (or two) of Aunty Sandy’s Banana Bread that you want to keep fresh, you can confidently stash some in the freezer for those days when you just need a slice of comfort. 

How Long Does Banana Bread Last? The Ultimate Guide to Shelf Life

So, you’ve whipped up a delicious loaf of banana bread, and now you’re wondering: how long does banana bread last? Great question! Banana bread is a beloved treat, perfect for breakfast, a snack, or even dessert. But like any baked good, it has a shelf life. Join Aunty Sandy’s as we go over the ons and outs of how to make your banana bread last (and we should know, we’re the experts). 

How Long does Banana Bread Last: Fresh Out of the Oven

Ah, the smell of freshly baked banana bread. There’s nothing quite like it. As soon as your banana bread comes out of the oven, the clock starts ticking. First things first, let it cool completely. This cooling process is crucial. It allows the bread to firm up, making it easier to slice without crumbling. Plus, cutting into hot banana bread can release steam, which might make it go stale faster.


The Best Storage Method for Hawaiian Banana Bread


Once cooled, you have a few options for storing your banana bread, depending on how quickly you plan to eat it.


Room Temperature: The Ideal Short-Term Storage for Banana Bread


If you’re like us and can’t wait to dig into that banana bread, storing it at room temperature is your best bet. Here’s what you need to do:


Wrapping It Up


Wrap the loaf tightly in plastic wrap, aluminum foil, or place it in an airtight container. This keeps the moisture in and prevents it from drying out. If you prefer, you can slice the bread and store individual slices, making it easier to grab a piece whenever the craving hits.


How Long Does It Last?


Banana bread stored at room temperature typically lasts about 2-4 days. It’s at its best during this window – moist, flavorful, and oh-so-delicious. After this period, it might start to dry out and lose its freshness.


Refrigeration: Extending Your Banana Bread Shelf Life in Hawaii


If you need your banana bread to last a bit longer, the refrigerator is your friend. While refrigeration can 

sometimes alter the texture slightly, it significantly extends the bread’s shelf life.


Proper Storage in the Fridge


Again, wrap your banana bread tightly in plastic wrap or foil, or place it in an airtight container. This double layer of protection helps maintain moisture and prevent the bread from absorbing other odors from the fridge.


How Long Does It Last?


How long does banana bread last? In the refrigerator, banana bread can last up to a week. Just be sure to let it come to room temperature before serving, as cold banana bread can be a bit dense and less enjoyable.


Freezing: The Long-Term Solution


Planning to savor your banana bread over a longer period? Freezing is the way to go. Frozen banana bread can last for several months and still taste almost as good as fresh when properly thawed.


If longevity is your goal as you’re wondering how long does banana bread last, then freezing may be your go-to. To freeze, wrap the completely cooled bread in plastic wrap, then in aluminum foil to protect against freezer burn. You can also use a heavy-duty freezer bag. If you prefer, slice the loaf before freezing. This way, you can thaw individual slices as needed.


Thawing and Enjoying Your Hawaiian Banana Bread


When you’re ready to enjoy your frozen banana bread, remove it from the freezer and let it thaw at room temperature. If you’re in a hurry, you can microwave slices for a few seconds or warm them in the oven. Frozen banana bread can last up to 3 months and still retain its delicious flavor and texture.

Signs Your Banana Bread Has Gone Bad


Despite our best efforts, banana bread doesn’t last forever. Here are some signs that it might be time to toss that loaf:




The most obvious sign is mold. If you see any fuzzy spots or discoloration, it’s time to say goodbye. Mold can spread quickly, even if you don’t see it on the entire loaf.


Off Smell


Banana bread should smell sweet and pleasant. If it has a sour or off odor, it’s best to err on the side of caution and discard it.


Texture Changes


If your banana bread feels excessively dry, hard, or sticky in an unpleasant way, it might be past its prime. These texture changes can indicate spoilage, even if you don’t see mold or smell anything off.

Shop the Best Banana Bread in Hawaii!

Knowing how to store your banana bread properly ensures you can enjoy every last bite. Just remember to keep an eye out for signs of spoilage and always wrap it up tightly to lock in that delicious moisture. Take care of your delicious banana bread from Aunty Sandy’s–the longer it lasts, the longer you get to enjoy pure deliciousness.